Number of Coronavirus cases increase in Kenya
Number of Corona-virus cases increase in Kenya
The widespread of Covid-19 is continuing. Two more cases of corona-virus appear in Kenya, and this is confirmed by President Uhuru Kenyatta. Kenyatta gave an update on Sunday following the confirmed cases and isolation of twenty-two people in Kenya.
In the statement given, the ministry of health said that these twenty-two isolated people were in close contact with the patient who tested positive and currently under treatment at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi.
All samples collected from these people are being tested at laboratories at Kenya Medical Research Institute to approve their status.
The ministry added on that more 23 people who traveled with the patient were traced and ordered to self-isolate for fourteen days.
Chief Justice David Maraga told the press that court activities will be put on hold for two weeks to limit on the widespread of the Covid-19 virus in Kenya. Therefore prisoners and remandees won’t be presented to the court for these two weeks.
Currently, all workshops, conferences, training programmes and public meetings are suspended. Moreover, the staff of the justice sector is required not to engage in foreign travel for the next 30 days.
Uganda hasn’t confirmed any corona-virus case, and there are putting up strict measures at Entebbe International Airport to prevent the spread of this pandemic virus to the country.
The Worldwide death toll has raised to 6036 with 159844 infections. China remains the country with the highest number of deaths totaling up to 1907.
Uganda’s minister of health “Dr Jane Ruth Aceng” emphasized that the success in fighting the virus will largely rely on self-awareness and taking the precautions into account. Some of these include washing hands all the time, use of alcohol sanitizers, avoid shaking hands and public gathering.
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