7 Things You Must Know Before You Drive A Car In Uganda
When you try to ask those who have got the chance to drive in East Africa the top countries with a perfect road network, Uganda can’t miss amongst the answers.
Popularly known as the pearl of Africa, Uganda has many roads that start from Kampala and connect to the nation’s different regions.
Many travelers including tourists use these routes from the city to reach their next destinations. These paths are all well marked and installed with road signs. Before you get to the road for your self-drive trip, make sure to know this important information highlighted below.
Driving Rules
Every driver in the country is required to follow the road driving rules.
You must have a valid license, don’t drink and drive, follow the road signs, traffic lights, and also avoid over speeding. Defensive driving is emphasized.
Minimum Age
The minimum age for anyone to own a permit in Uganda is 25. It is a crime to drive if you are below this age.
Over Speeding
This is highly prohibited in every country. It is the main cause of accidents on highways.
Be sure to maintain the speed of a certain section indicated by the road sign. If you fail, then expect to pay fines which are not less than 60 dollars per stopover.
The lane to use
Not like Rwanda, drivers in Uganda keep left.
Traffic Congestion
Car congestion along the paths is one of the problems to Uganda’s transport sector. Most roads from Kampala are ever busy in the morning and evening hours.
If you want to use them without inconvenience, make sure to start your trip in the afternoon and at lunchtime.
Driving at Night
It is not safe to drive at night in Uganda. Robbers and killers use this time to target users.
Steal their cars, other properties and also shoot them especially on highways. Prepare yourself and try to do all the driving during the day
Traffic Officers
Most roadways have officers who are ever there to judge those who fail to go by the rules and regulations.
Nature of Roads
Uganda has both murram and tarmacked paths.
Murram roads are common in rural areas, those who expect to drive deep in villages be aware of them. During the rainy season, some are muddy and hard to pass.
Make sure to use a 4×4 wheel drive car if you plan to enjoy a ride in the months of high rainfall drops. Towns and cities like Kampala, Jinja, Mbale, and more have tarmac roads.
Reckless Driving
You may be the one doing this or find another user driving recklessly. So be aware of this and try to avoid it.
It is common on highways to places upcountry. Bus and heavy truck drivers are mindless when using the roadways.
Be keener in the sharp corners. Thousands of people die in Uganda per year because of accidents and others remain with lifetime injuries.
Fuel cost & Source
Fuel rates in Uganda vary according to the vendor and location. The prices are high in urban places than in rural areas. Some vehicles in the country use Diesel and others petrol. You can only get gas from a fuel station. The best provider in the nation is Shell or Total. Some isolated areas don’t have gas stations. Therefore be sure to refill the tank or pack reserve fuel in a Jerry can before you leave town centers.
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