Taxi Fare From Entebbe Airport To Kampala
Are you travelling to Uganda? Before you board the plane, know that you can easily get from the Airstrip to other parts in the nation by a cab.
It is rated the best and cheapest amongst the different ways to travel from there.
You may ask how much is the taxi cost from Entebbe Airport to Kampala? Highlighted below is the best answer to this question. Airport taxi fares in Uganda vary according to the nature of trip and the distance to cover.
First-timers are often not sure of the rates but this article highlights all that it takes to shift from ebb to Jinja, Mbarara, Mukono or Masaka by airport cab.
Some things that determine your transfer fee include the length of the journey, type of car to use, number of passengers and the size of your luggage.
If you fancy luxurious services, the charges will be higher than a person who is using the normal services. Deluxe offers include use of posh cars like range lover, Land Cruiser V8, Mercedes Benz, Kruger to name but a few. For those who don’t care about using cars like Toyota Noah, Wish, Rav 4 and Premio, it is just awesome for you.
The charges for the transfer are not as high as you may expect. Visitors from the aerodrome to Kitolo region, expect to pay not more than 20 USD.
Then those heading straight to the city and its surbubs, a taxi to Kampala costs between 35 – 40 USD. For a traveler who is going beyond the capital just know you won’t pay less than 50 USD for the drive.
In case you need ebb airport pick up, just click our contact us page and send us a message that highlights all details about your need.
Our reservation agent is ever online to give a prompt response. See you when you arrive in Uganda for the first or second time. It is our pleasure to convey you to your residential place, office, meeting centers or any other destination.
Read this for an insight; Top reasons why Entebbe airport transfer rates differ.
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