Construction of First Public free Zone starts at EBB Airport
The government of Uganda starts the construction of the first public free zone at Entebbe international airport. This facility is adjacent to the cargo terminal and it’s meant to boost trade in the country.
Fully funded by the Ugandan government, this 47 billion investment adds to other national projects that include Uganda Airlines, Entebbe Express Highway, and the on-going expansion of the ebb airfield.
It is expected to include seven production units, and a trade house with offices for URA, UFZA, and other government departments to ease the smooth flow of business in this venue.
Firms in this area engage in classic mineral processing activities, agro-processing, and light manufacturing for export to other countries. This establishment will realize export earnings of 4.02 million dollars annually, create about 200 direct jobs, generate an extra $13.4 million in capital investment, and shillings 108.3 billion in direct revenue.
Last year UFZA hand over a piece of five acres of land to the National Enterprise Corporation. This week minister of finance “Matia Kasaijja” commissioned the initial construction phase of this Free zone, and its completion is expected anytime.
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