Traveling From Kampala by a Taxi/Matatu
Other than a bus, you can use a public taxi or matatu to get from Kampala city. It is not only less expensive, but also quick. Travelers enjoy the rides to notable places like Jinja, Mbale, Fort portal, Iganga, Bugiri, Gulu, Kitgum, Mukono, Masaka, Mityana, Mubende, Kyotera, Kasese, Kisoro, Entebbe, Mpigi, Buikwe, Kamuli, Kyegegwa, Masindi, Kiryandongo, Nakasongola, Luwero to name but a few.
Taxis in Kampala carry fourteen passengers. If you need quick travel, be sure to use operators who offer direct trips. You easily find them in the gazetted points. Taxis on the streets tend to delay because they go on stopping along the way loading and offloading passengers.
Where to find a Taxi
Kampala has three prominent places where you can find a taxi for direct transport services. These are the old taxi park, the new taxi park, and the USAFI Park. The old taxi stand is located in the city center near Aponye mall, Park Enkadde mall, and Mini price.
The new taxi park is along Namirembe road, a few kilometers from the old park. It is also near the Quaricell bus terminal and Kiseka market.
How to reach the Taxi stands
From your residential home, you can use a public taxi up to downtown. From here, you can reach one of the taxi stands on foot if you are physically fit. Sometimes the taxi you use from your home village can take you directly to the new taxi, old or USAFI Park.
Make sure to know the exact park you are supposed to use. This depends on your next destination because each park in Kampala has taxis for specific areas.
Taxi fares in Kampala
Taxi fares in Kampala are not uniform. It depends on your next stop. For travel around Kampala, expect to pay between 1000 – 6000 Uganda shillings. For trips to the upcountry, you will pay between 10,000 – 80,000 shillings.
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